Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January 2007 Analysis on New Sales in SwissCash

New Sales for the whole month of January 2007

Print shot made on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:47:57 GMT

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Is SwissCash a MLM scheme?

SwissCash has MLM elements of its direct sales and reward systems,
but it cannot be categorised as a MLM because of this simple fact:

A MLM survives by sales volume.
The sales volume is generated monthly through its members' sales.
The members' recurring sales per month mostly achieved through automate* or maintenance** creates the company total monthly sales and from the sales volume, a portion is returned to the members as commission (called benefit)

In SwissCash, there is no requirement for monthly sales quota.
There is no requirement for monthly maintenance.
A SwissCash investor gets paid his alloted profit per month^ based on his principal investment returns, not due to the number of recruits that an investor gets in.
The investor never needs to recruit anyone and can still get paid monthly profit.
Therefore based on this specific difference, SwissCash cannot be categorised as an MLM.

* automate: automated monthly sales generated by the MLM company's computer, and cost of product is deducted automatically via credit card or bank account.

** maintenance: the mandatory amount of sales to be generated monthly in order to qualify for the monthly reward scheme

^ profit per month for SwissCash:
10% of principal investment will be paid on the 30th, 60th, 90th day
15% of principal investment will be paid on the 120th, 150th, 180th day
20% of principal investment will be paid on the 210th, 240th, 270th day
25% of principal investment will be paid on the 300th, 330th, 360th day
30% of principal investment will be paid on the 390th, 420th, 450th day

SwissCash adopts MLM type of payment as a means of business expansion but it is never a true MLM company. Investment is their product and consultancy is their services.

SwissCash is here to stay!

Friday, January 26, 2007

SwissCash did not provide the list of appointed dealers

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 4:45 PM
Subject: [IJTNu014y6] Consultant did not provide the list of appointed dealers in my country and region

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please refer to the Swiss Financial Planner/Consultant that has referred you to our Financial Facility for more information on the dealers in your region.

Dealers will work hand in hand with our regional directors as well as the company. Then currency exchange rate will depend on the rate given by the dealers. Whether the payments is to be paid to dealers through cash basis, bank in to accounts or any other 3rd party gateway would depend on the dealer that you deals with. The standard procedure would be COD for e-points requested from dealers.

Firstly, our appointed dealers have already pre-purchase E-Points from Swiss Mutual Fund to trade with investors, whereby E-Points will be directly transferred to investor’s trading account, and to be a dealer, he/she must earned a minimum amount of USD100,000 SFP commission, hence, investor can rely on our trustworthy appointed dealers.

Thank you.


Jean Philippe
Swiss Consultant

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Offshore Investment Scheme hits Singapore

An investment scam that has been making the rounds in Malaysia has hit Singapore, too. Known as SwissCash or Swiss Mutual Fund, it promises huge returns for a minimum investment of US$1,000 ($1,500).

In actual fact, the minimum investment in SwissCash is USD100.00 and not USD1,000.00

One have to read and analyse the news report with other independent sources and not swallow everything as the truth. So far the scam has no association with SwissCash. It was an old news in Malaysia and Singapore reporter is making it as a new report but with full of inaccuracies. The scam was involving Union Bank of Swiss and not SwissCash; see the reliable report at Sun2surf report.

So this report is false and misleading the public
In Malaysia, about 40 investors are believed to have fallen prey to the scam. According to reports, eight men are helping police in their investigations into alleged cheating of about RM20 million ($8.7 million) through the Swiss Cash fund, in October last year. Unquote

That is an obvious deception by misquoting from unreliable sources. The Star Online dated 4-10-2006

But the following day 5-10-2006, they have clarified with another report it was related to Union Bank of Swiss but never apologize to SwissCash.

Monday, January 22, 2007

SwissCash Investment Program in a Nut shell!

Overview of SwissCash Offshore Investment Program

SwissCash Financial Facility ; 5-income Plans

SwissCash:200% Profit; 10% Referral Commission,10% Revenue, 10% Matching Bonus & 0.10% Daily Profit Payout!!

Guaranteed By Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A.

Generate THE BEST GLOBAL ONLINE INCOME and Financial Management from SwissCash :

1.SwissCash Financial Plan (SIP)
200% Profit from your investment or re-investment.
Rationale : If you have a capital of USD1,000 to run a business as a shareholder, it will be possible to get a return with USD2,000 profits (accumulated in 15 months). Imagine everyday you gain net profit of USD30 and total of USD900 by the end of the month. After paying the first month profit to shareholder at 10% =USD100, you still gain Net Profit USD800.

24 Hours Online Investment.
Average 20% profits for 15 months.
Minimum investment is USD100.
Maximum investment is USD100,000.
Opening Account Fee = USD30

If more than USD100K, can open up to 3 accounts
Return profit in every month (30 days).

Scheduled of return from first month until 15 months.
1-3 months = 10% profit
4-6 months = 15% profit
7-9 months = 20% profit
10-12 months = 25% profit
13- 15 months = 30% profit.

Example :
Your investment in January 2007 is USD1000.00
Opening account = USD30.00
Total investment + Opening account = USD1030.00
Date of activation on 23 January 2007
Date of first return will be on 22 February 2007

Your return profit or monthly received payment will be as follows:
1. 22 February 2007 – USD1000.00 x 10% = USD100
2. 22 March 2007 – USD1000.00 x 10% = USD100
3. 22 April 2007 – USD1000.00 x 10% = USD100
4. 22 May 2007 – USD1000.00 x 15% = USD150
5. 22 June 2007 – USD1000.00 x 15% = USD150
6. 22 July 2007 – USD1000.00 x 15% = USD150
7. 22 August 2007 – USD1000.00 x 20% = USD200
8. 22 September 2007 – USD1000.00 x 20% = USD200
9. 22 October 2007 – USD1000.00 x 20% = USD200
10. 22 November 2007 – USD1000.00 x 25% = USD250
11. 22 December 2007 – USD1000.00 x 25% = USD250
12. 22 January 2008 – USD1000.00 x 25% = USD250
13. 22 February 2008 – USD1000.00 x 30% = USD300
14. 22 March 2008 – USD1000.00 x 30% = USD300
15. 22 April 2008 – USD1000.00 x 30% = USD300
Total Accumulated – USD3,000.00
less USD1,000
= USD2,000 Nett Gain

2.SwissCash Affiliate Plan (SAP)
10% Commission from your directly sponsored Investors. (one time payment instantly to your account)

3.SwissCash Revenue Plan (SRP)
10% Revenue from Monthly Progress Profit (SIP) from Your Total No Of Directly Sponsored Investors continuously every month.
Rationale :
It is the same concept payment of royalties whereby every time the client buy or use your product/services, you will gain that royalties.

4.SwissCash Financial Plan (SFP)
10% Bonus Payout when total investment of your left group and right group match at USD10,000 interval. e.g. left group =USD10,000 and right group =USD10,000. You will entitle for USD1,000 BONUS!!!.If matching at USD20,000, the bonus will be USD2,000
It will be paid on every 5th day of the following calendar month.

5.Daily Profit Payout or Daily Interest Payout (DIP)
An investor who maintains an investment of USD1, 000 will enjoy DIP benefit at 0.10% daily.
You can start with minimum investment of USD100 + USD30 (Opening Account) = USD130 BUT only entitle to ENJOY 200% Profit in 450 Days and potential spillover downline from time to time from your referrer.

To enjoy the SAP, SRP, SFP and DIP or ALL THE ABOVE BENEFITS, you have to invest at least USD1000 or accumulated to USD1000.

All 5-income plans to generate money FOR YOU. Take this great opportunity.